Lake Michigan -> 1.0 Salmonine (Salmon and Trout)
Lake Michigan 1.0 Salmonine (Salmon and Trout)

Establish a diverse salmonine community capable of sustaining an annual harvest of 2.7 to 6.8 million kg (6 to 15 million lb), of which 20-25% is lake trout.
A diverse salmon and trout community was maintained over the reporting period through a combination of agency-stocked and naturally produced fish. Annual harvest estimates combined with unmeasured and potential sources of harvest (e.g., non-surveyed river fisheries and unmet harvest quotas) indicate a salmonine community capable of exceeding the lower range of expected annual harvest. The proportion of annual harvest comprised of lake trout exceeded management targets.

Establish self-sustaining lake trout populations.
North and south management zones were established for lake trout. Progress was made toward the achievement of rehabilitation interim targets in both management zones, although higher levels of natural reproduction were observed in the southern zone. The Lake Michigan Committee has low confidence in the Lake Trout Spring Catch Rate indicator because of an apparent disconnect between survey result trends and the benchmark for this indicator. Other indicators have been achieved, and/or are trending in a positive direction, but much more progress will be required before lake trout rehabilitation in Lake Michigan can be declared a success.