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Did Mysis have a role in the decline
of Diporeia?
Thomas J. Stewart1
and Lars Rudstam2
1 Lake Ontario Management Unit, Ontario Ministry of Natural
Resources, RR # 4, Picton, Ontario, K0K 2T0
2 Department of Natural Resources, Cornell Biological Field
Station, 900 Shackelton Point Road Bridgeport, NY
August 2012
Predation experiments indicate
that adult Mysis feed on juvenile but
not on adult Diporeia. The level of predation
was not influenced by the presence of quagga mussels.
Access to alternative zooplankton food reduced the predation rate. Feeding
rates of adult mysids on juvenile Diporeia
were in the order of 1 prey per week. A simple model combining Mysis consumption rate, diet composition, and
ratios of Mysis to Diporeia
production was applied to calculate the potential for Mysis
predation to impact Diporeia populations.
The model showed that Mysis consumption
could equal or exceed Diporeia production
at very modest and realistic diet proportions and production ratios, well
within the range of values reported in the literature and observed
experimentally. Application of Mysis light-preference
functions to Lake Ontario water transparency from the 1970s, 1980s, and 2000s
indicates that a larger proportion of the Mysis
population should reside on the bottom during the day in the 2000s than in
the earlier decades, increasing the habitat overlap between Mysis
and Diporeia in recent decades. The
chronology of ecosystem changes and the findings of this study point to an
indirect mechanistic link between Diporeia declines
and quagga mussel colonization. Mysis
predation on Diporeia may have
increased and suppressed Diporeia production
as a consequence of increased water transparency and declines in alternative Mysis food associated with quagga mussel colonization. Specific recommendations are
made to further investigate Mysis and Diporeia interactions and extend this
analysis to the other Great Lakes.