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of expert judgment in an operating model of the control program to evaluate trade-offs for sea
lamprey management
Heather A. Dawson2,
Michael L. Jones3, Alexander C. Maguffee3, Scott Miehls4,
Nicholas S. Johnson4, Gale Bravener5
2University of Michigan, Flint, 264 Murchie
Science Bldg. 303 E.
Kearsley St., Flint, MI 48502 USA; Phone: 810-762-3360
3Quantitative Fisheries Center, Department of Fisheries and
Michigan State University, 480
Wilson Road, Room 13, East Lansing,
Michigan 48824 USA; Phone:
4U.S. Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center, Hammond
Biological Station, 11188 Ray Road,
Millersburg, MI USA 49759. Phone:
5Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 1219 Queen Street East,
Sault Ste
Marie, ON
P6A 2E5 Canada. Phone: 705-941-3003
July 2020
We used a Sea Lamprey Management Strategy Evaluation simulation (SLaMSE) model to explore the potential for using trapping strategies as a complement to lampricide control while incorporating expert judgment into the stream selection process. Previous work suggested that if trapping strategies reduce the frequency with which large, expensive streams are treated, the benefits can be substantial. Expert judgment (EJ1) streams are large, expensive streams, and we hypothesized that incorporating expert judgment in the model by treating these streams on a fixed schedule would decrease the effectiveness of a hybrid strategy significantly. However, we found that trapping strategies that targeted streams that (1) were difficult to treat with lampricides, (2) had regular sea lamprey production, or (3) had low densities of spawners were most effective at reducing the lakewide number of spawners relative to targeting other stream types whether or not expert judgment was incorporated. These trapping strategies require low costs ($5,500 per stream) and moderate capture rates (30%) to be a cost-effective complement when used with lampricides relative to using only lampricide control. While the effectiveness of trapping was greater without theincorporation of expert judgement, differences were small, and the effectiveness of trapping depended much more on the type of streams that were trapped.