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Effects of Water
Alkalinity, pH, and Dosing Regimen on Lake Sturgeon Sensitivity to the
Lampricide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM)
P. Wilkie, 2Lisa O’Connor, 1Oana Birceanu, and 1Jonathan
M. Wilson.
*Principal Investigator. 1Department
of Biology, Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU), Waterloo, ON, N2L 3C5. 2Great Lakes Laboratory for
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Sault Ste. Marie,
April 2019
The lampricide
3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) is used to
control invasive sea lampreys in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Applied to rivers
and streams, it selectively targets larval sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) which have a lower
capacity to detoxify and eliminate TFM than non-target fishes. Although
relatively uncommon, juvenile lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) are more vulnerable to
TFM-induced non-target mortality than other fishes, particularly when they are
less than 10 cm in length and/or living in waters of high alkalinity. The overarching goal of this project was to determine why lake
sturgeon are more susceptible to TFM in their early life stages, especially in
waters with different alkalinities and to better understand how they take-up
and detoxify TFM. The
specific objectives were to: (I) Determine how differences in water
alkalinity and pH affect TFM uptake, distribution and elimination by juvenile
lake sturgeon; (II) Elucidate how
gill-mediated acid-base exchange processes and the gill microenvironment
influence TFM speciation, uptake and toxicity; (III) Determine if exposure
to lower doses of TFM for a longer period of time protects lake sturgeon from
TFM toxicity, without reducing sea lamprey mortality.
Rates of TFM uptake by juvenile lake
sturgeon, measured using radiolabeled TFM (14C-TFM), decreased with
increasing alkalinity, suggesting that as water alkalinity increased, more TFM
is required to cause toxicity in lake sturgeon, as it does in sea lamprey and
other fishes. The protective effects of higher alkalinity were
confirmed in toxicity tests in which lake sturgeon survival was 100 %
when the fish were exposed to TFM in high alkalinity water, compared to low or
moderate alkalinity, where partial and complete mortality were observed
following exposure to the same TFM dose. Subsequent analysis of TFM toxicity
curves revealed that the 12-h LC50 and 12-h LC99.9 of TFM
to lake sturgeon is in fact higher (less toxic) than in sea lamprey at low,
moderate and high alkalinity. However, in actual TFM treatments, 1.3-1.5 times
the minimum lethal TFM concentration (MLC = LC99.9) to lamprey is
used to maximize mortality. The net effect is that as water alkalinity increases, more and
more TFM is required to reach 1.3-1.5 times the MLC, which amplifies its toxic effects
on lake sturgeon, increasing the risk of non-target mortality in higher
alkalinity waters. Life stage also had a profound effect on TFM sensitivity,
with rates of TFM uptake decreasing exponentially as lake sturgeon grew larger.
This observation explains why the TFM tolerance of older 1+ sturgeon is greater
than in YOY animals.
Neither water alkalinity nor TFM exposure
affected gill structure or function in lake sturgeon. Nevertheless, water pH
and alkalinity profoundly influenced rates of TFM uptake, which were explained by events taking in place in the gill
microenvironment. The gill microenvironment has markedly different water
chemistry than the bulk water surrounding the fish, due to the excretion of CO2
and acid-base equivalents by the gills as water crosses the gills when fish are
breathing. Based on work completed on rainbow trout, expired water pH was
approximately 1.0 pH unit lower than the inspired, or
bulk water pH, due to acidification as it crossed the gills. This effect was most pronounced in water of low alkalinity, which has a
low acid buffering capacity. As alkalinity increased
there was less acidification due to corresponding increases in the water
buffering capacity. Thus, the decreases in TFM uptake we observed as water
alkalinity increased were due to decreases in the amount of
un-ionized TFM at the gill surface due to less acidification of the
water in the gill microenvironment. Ongoing experiments in lake sturgeon should
yield similar results.
Measurements of internal TFM and its detoxification
products indicated that lake sturgeon used an additional pathway of TFM
detoxification, sulfation. It had
long been known that TFM was detoxified in the liver by a phase II
biotransformation process called glucuronidation, in
which a glucuronic acid functional group reacts with
TFM to form TFM-glucuronide, which is less toxic, more water soluble and easier
to excrete. However, our analysis demonstrated that sulfation,
also a Phase II pathway, was an additional mechanism of TFM detoxification. Given these observations, we predicted that exposure to TFM
for longer periods to lower doses of TFM would improve their survival during
lampricide exposure. When this “long-and-low” approach was tested by exposing
lake sturgeon to the 24-h LC99.9 of larval sea lamprey, all sea
lamprey were killed and lake sturgeon mortality was reduced by more than 80 %,
but only in high alkalinity waters. There was no reduction in lake sturgeon
mortality following “long-and-low” exposure to TFM at moderate alkalinity.
conclude that the need to apply TFM at concentrations well beyond the MLC of
sea lamprey amplifies the risk of non-target mortality in lake sturgeon,
particularly in higher compared to low alkalinity waters. Such risks might be reduced, however, by delaying TFM treatments to the
fall, when rates of TFM uptake and accumulation by lake sturgeon are much lower
due to their larger body sizes. This strategy, combined with the adoption of a
“long and low approach” of TFM application, could greatly reduce or eliminate
lake sturgeon mortality in high alkalinity waters, without compromising
lampricide effectiveness. However, we recommend that further tests in the field
be conducted before such measures are adopted on a broader