**ABSTRACT NOT FOR CITATION WITHOUT AUTHOR PERMISSION. The title, authors, and abstract for this completion report are provided below. For a copy of the full completion report, please contact the author via e-mail at [email protected]. Questions? Contact the GLFC via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 734-662-3209.**
Control sea
lamprey in the Cheboygan River with sterile males: stage 1 – Assessment prior
to sterile male release
Johnson1, Aaron Jubar2, Gale Bravener3,
Jessica Barber4, Michael Siefkes5
1USGS, Great
Lakes Science Center, Hammond Bay Biological Station, 11188 Ray Road,
Millersburg, MI, 49759
Ludington Biological Station, 229 S. Jebavy Dr.,
Ludington, MI 49431
3 Fisheries
and Oceans Canada, Sea Lamprey Control Center, 1219 Queen Street East, Sault
Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2E5
Marquette Biological Station, 3090 Wright Street, Marquette, MI 49855
5 Great
Lakes Fishery Commission, 2100 Commonwealth Blvd., Suite 100, Ann Arbor, MI
December 2016
The upper
Cheboygan River has been treated with lampricides on
a 4-year cycle for nearly 50 years at an average treatment cost of $400,000.
Upstream escapement of sea lamprey through a navigational lock near the dam has
been hypothesized to be the source of infestation in the upper river. During
2011, we tested this hypothesis and estimated escapement to be between 0 and 2%
(95% CI; Holbrook et al. 2014, CJFAS). The very low escapement rate did not
support the hypothesis that escapement of adult sea lamprey from the lower
river entirely supported the upper river infestation. An alternative hypothesis
is that the upper river supports a sea lamprey population that completes its
life cycle without entering Lake Huron. Collective results from 2013, 2014,
2015, and 2016 provide evidence that a small population of adult sea lamprey (n
< 200) completed their life cycle in the upper Cheboygan River during each
year and that upstream escapement rate of adult sea lamprey from the lower
river to the upper river through the navigational lock was still low (Johnson
et al. 2016, JGLR). Because the adult sea lamprey population in the upper
Cheboygan River is small and has low immigration rates, it should be vulnerable
to control tactics that reduce reproduction such as the sterile male release
technique. Here, we collected baseline sea lamprey embryo, larval, and adult
assessment data during 2015 and 2016 that, when combine with data from 2013 and
2014, will support an experimental evaluation of sterile male release during
2017, 2018, and 2019 using a Before-After-Control-Impact design.