**ABSTRACT NOT FOR CITATION WITHOUT AUTHOR PERMISSION. The title, authors, and abstract for this completion report are provided below. For a copy of the full completion report, please contact the author via e-mail at [email protected]. Questions? Contact the GLFC via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 734-662-3209.**
Effect of Lamprey Attachment
on Profile Drag of Lake Trout: Consequences for Swimming
1 Jeff
W. Dawson and 1Ryan J. Chlebak
1 Department
of Biology, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By
Drive, Ottawa ON K1S 5B6.
June 2017
Lake trout
mortality due to sea lamprey parasitism can be as great as 60% due to blood
loss and tissue and organ damage during feeding which can last from 2 to 10
days. During this period, trout must
continue to swim to find food and avoid predators. The hydrodynamic cost of having an attached
lamprey, therefore, represents an additional bioenergetic
cost and may contribute to the high rate of mortality. The overarching objective of this pilot study
was to determine the drag force (profile drag) acting on a parasitized
trout. We accomplished this goal by
using instrumented physical (3D printed) models of trout (lake trout, ‘lean’
variety) with and without model lamprey of different sizes attached at
differing locations on the trout body.
Model lamprey attached to the model, both in the pectoral fin region,
and the pelvic fin region, increased profile drag. Larger lamprey increased drag more than
smaller lamprey, as expected. But, similar sized lamprey models attached to the
pectoral region produced more drag than when attached to the pelvic region
which was unexpected. Trout with two lamprey attached produce more drag than
trout with single lamprey attached but we have insufficient data to fully
understand how multiple lamprey attachment affects profile drag; but we suggest
an important determinant is attachment location of each lamprey. This project
bridged both sea lamprey and fisheries research and used a unique approach for
studying the physical ecology of fish-lamprey interaction. The data on the physical costs of lamprey
attachment (drag forces and force coefficients) will be useful for future
bioenergetics models used to predict trout survival. This study also demonstrated the utility of a
biomechanical methodology employing physical models that is also useful for
studying other Great Lake fish species subject to sea lamprey predation.