abstract for this completion report are provided
below. For a copy of the full completion report, please contact the author via
e-mail at [email protected]. Questions? Contact
the GLFC via email at [email protected] or via
telephone at 734-662-3209.**
Quantitative Tools for Assessing and
Managing Cisco Populations
James R. Bence1, Samuel B. Truesdell1,4,
Richard D. Clark1, Nicholas C. Fisch1,5, Jared T. Myers2,
and Daniel L. Yule3
1Quantitative Fisheries Center, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife,
Michigan State University East Lansing, MI. 48824-1101
2 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ashland Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Office, 2800 Lake Shore Dr. East, Ashland, WI 54806
3 U.S. Geological Survey, Lake Superior Biological Station, 2800 Lake
Shore Dr. East, Ashland, WI 54806
4 Gulf of Maine Research Institute, 350 Commercial St, Portland, ME 04101
5 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Program, University of Florida, PO Box
110410, Gainsville, FL, 32611-0410
December 2018
completed stock assessment models for Cisco, Coregonus artedi, in Thunder Bay Ontario,
completed management strategy simulations evaluating alternative harvest
policies for the Thunder Bay stock of Cisco, evaluated
how assessment results would be influenced by reductions in sampling, and
conducted technology transfer workshops that have led to development of
preliminary Cisco assessment models for other areas of Lake Superior. Stock
assessments are a critical to modern fisheries management, supporting the
calculation of key reference variables used to make informed management decisions.
Given the lack of assessment models for Cisco and considerable uncertainty as
to which class of assessment models is appropriate for fishery stocks in
general, we developed both a statistical catch-at-age assessment (SCAA) model,
and a statistical catch-at-size assessment (SCSA) model for the Thunder Bay
stock of Cisco. We addressed: whether a SCAA models actually performs better
than SCSA models when age data are available, or is this just an assumption we
make in fisheries research and management? Both models
were fit using an integrated framework with multiple sources of data including hydroacoustic estimates of spawning stock, fishery
dependent and independent age/length compositions, and harvest data. Our
results suggest that for Cisco in Thunder Bay, data-limitations related to lack
of size-composition data over the size range for which cisco growth is rapid
resulted in difficulty estimating relative year-class strength within a SCSA.
This led to parameter confounding and ultimately the inability to estimate
natural mortality within a SCSA. This hampered the utility of a SCSA model in
comparison with a SCAA model when age composition data were available. We used
Management Strategy Evaluations (MSEs) to evaluate current and alternative
harvest policies for the Thunder Bay stock of Cisco. MSEs can provide
information to managers on the relative performance of alternative management
policies (strategies) while accounting for uncertainty. Our simulations
explicitly accounted for uncertainty in the frequency of strong year classes being produced by Cisco, the stock-recruit relationship,
stock abundance, and the sex-specific nature of roe harvest. Assuming future
productivity is similar to that observed over the past 30 years,
results suggest the current exploitation rate of 10% is sustainable in terms of
maintaining spawning biomass above 20% of the unfished level. Variants of
constant exploitation rate control rules that included biomass thresholds
defining when exploitation rate is to decrease as a function of spawning stock
size increased yield, decreased risk, and increased the magnitude of spawning
biomass at the end of the simulation period. However, these advantages came at
the expense of greater inter-annual variation in yield. Constant catch control
rules greatly underperformed constant exploitation rate
control rules in terms of magnitude in yield. Constant catch control
rules, however, did reduce inter-annual variation in yield compared to constant
exploitation rate control rules, and conditional
versions of constant catch control rules (i.e., threshold stock sizes below
which catch limit was reduced) mitigated some of the increased risks. We
evaluated how reductions in the amount of sampling
would likely influence stock assessment results by refitting the Thunder Bay
Cisco assessment model with only subsets of the full dataset. We adopted this
approach because the Thunder Bay assessment had more data available than is
often the case. In a first set of analyses, we reduced the number of ages, either by randomly selecting a subset of structures collected per
sampled trip, or randomly selecting a subsample from all ages, mimicking
a reduction in sampling intensity or just in aging effort. Results suggested
that up to a 70% reduction in either sampling effort or aging could be implemented without much loss of information in age
compositions or influence on assessment results. A second set of analyses
looked jointly at (a) a reduction in the portion of the fishing season for
which biological samples were collected (i.e., age compositions based on
randomly selected sub-intervals of season) and hydroacoustic
surveys done only in a subset of years. Reducing hydroacoustic
survey frequency had a larger influence on assessment quality than did a reduction
in biological sampling. Reducing biological sampling via random temporal
subsets did reduce information content of age compositions, but had little
influence on stock assessment results. This is likely a consequence of the
strong periodic year classes, characteristic of Cisco in Lake Superior. This
dynamic may require less sampling to characterize. Finally we met with state,
federal and tribal biologists and explained our assessment
model and worked with them to develop preliminary assessment models for
several other areas in western Lake Superior.