abstract for this completion report are provided below. For a copy
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Demographics: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis
R. L. and E. M. Burkett
1 Department of Social Sciences, Michigan Technological University, 1400
Townsend Dr., Houghton, MI 49931
April 2018
Anglers play
a critical role affecting Great Lakes region fisheries, their related
ecosystems, and fisheries management. However, the number of anglers has
generally been declining in recent years. If these patterns continue, declining
numbers of anglers and changes to the age and sex structure of angler
populations could have dramatic implications for agency funding, habitat
programs, and fisheries policy and management strategies. This project aimed to
understand patterns of angler demographic change (by sex, age, time period, and
birth cohort) across the Upper Great Lakes states (including Illinois, Indiana,
Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin). We investigated both total anglers resident in these states and the smaller subset of
anglers who fish the Great Lakes for salmon/trout. The project analyzed the
role of cohort effects (or generational differences) in explaining angler
participation and the implications of such cohort effects for projecting future
angler populations and for fisheries management. We found that both cohort and
age effects play a significant role in explaining angler participation. Among
males, older generations (born prior to 1965 and especially the Baby Boom
generation) are more likely to fish than younger generations, with those born
since 1980 showing reduced participation rates. Females, however, show almost
opposite patterns, with more recent generations typically showing higher
fishing participation. In states that offer spousal fishing licenses (Wisconsin
and Minnesota), females born in the late 1950s and 1960s also show high
participation rates, in correspondence with a male spouse. Population
projections based on these results, generally show that if recent patterns of
angler participation by age and birth cohort continue into the future that the
number of male anglers will continue to decline (the extent to which varies by
state and lake), while the number of female anglers will generally increase
(though not enough to make up for the decline in male anglers). This
combination should result in a growing proportion of the total anglers becoming
female over the next fifteen to twenty years. These findings are generally consistent
for lake-based analysis of cohort effects on those fishing Lake Superior, Lake
Michigan, and Lake Huron for salmon/trout, with some more nuanced lake to lake
differences. Lake-level population projections suggest that the number of
salmon/trout anglers in Lake Superior is likely to remain fairly stable over
the next fifteen years, while the number of salmon/trout anglers should be
expected to decline in Lake Huron and especially in Lake Michigan. Altogether,
the results imply that analysts and managers tracking angler participation
should consider both age and birth cohort in explaining changing numbers and
rates of license sales over time. Recruitment, retention, and reactivation
programs should plan for and facilitate fishing participation among young and
family-age women and their families. Our final recommendation is that managers
consider the possibility that the aging Baby Boom population, who has for the
last several decades been the primary angling constituency, will be aging out
of the fishing population over the next ten to twenty years and that newer
generations may have different practices and interests.
For more
information on the project visit: https://www.mtu.edu/greatlakes/fishery/