abstract for this completion report are provided below. For a copy
of the full completion report, please contact the author via e-mail at [email protected] . Questions?
Contact the GLFC via email at [email protected] or
via telephone at 734-662-3209.**
Evaluating the Use of an Angler
Smartphone App for Fisheries Data Collection
Paul Venturelli1, Erin Dunlop2,
Len Hunt3, and Tim Martin4
1 Ball State University, 121 Cooper Building, Muncie IN 47306
2Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 2140 East Bank Drive, Trent
University, Peterborough ON K9J 8N8
3Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research, Ontario Ministry of
Natural Resources, 955 Oliver Road, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 5E1
4University of Minnesota, 135 Skok Hall, 2003
Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul MN 55108
September 2018
Anglers make decisions
that affect the fish stocks, ecosystems, and socio-economic systems with which
they interact. Smartphone angling applications (apps), are a potentially less
expensive and more comprehensive data source than conventional methods, but
their utility has not been evaluated. In this study, we compared results from
app and aerial creel survey data from Ontario, Canada. We found a positive
relationship between the logged number of trips to a lake in a year by app
users, and the logged number of angler hours in a year estimated via aerial
creel (n = 210 lakes, r2 = 0.34, p = 2.22e-16). Random forest models revealed
that 10 lake characteristics explained 45.1% and 46.76% of variation in trip
number (n = 1,056) and effort hours (n = 554), respectively. In general, effort
was highest on large lakes with low natural cover and either convoluted
shorelines (app data) or many access points (creel data). We used these models
to predict effort for 9,400 lakes across Ontario, and then interpolated to
generate province-wide effort maps. Both sources of data predicted high effort
in many of the same areas, particularly in a large region of southern Ontario.
A direct comparison of re-scaled data revealed a tendency for trips to
underestimate effort, but also found that agreement between app- and
creel-based predictions was highly heterogeneous. Our results suggest that the
number of trips to a lake in a year by app users does not reliably predict
angler hours per year, but that app data can be used to identify and characterize
lake features that determine angler effort. App data show promise as a way to
predict effort over large spatial scales, but more research is needed to refine
this approach.