**ABSTRACT NOT FOR CITATION WITHOUT AUTHOR PERMISSION. The title, authors, and abstract for this completion report are provided below. For a copy of the full completion report, please contact the author via e-mail at [email protected]. Questions? Contact the GLFC via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 734-662-3209.**
Evaluating short-term
survival of walleye implanted with acoustic transmitters at elevated
D. Faust1, Christopher S. Vandergoot2, and Richard T.
1Ohio Department of
Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife, Sandusky Fisheries Research Station,
305 East Shoreline Drive, Sandusky, Ohio 44870
2United States Geological
Service, Great Lakes Science Center, Lake Erie Biological Station, 6100
Columbus Avenue, Sandusky, Ohio 44870
May 2017
Lake Erie’s
walleye population contains numerous discrete spawning aggregations (stocks)
that become mixed outside of the spawning period. Previous attempts to
differentiate among these stocks using natural markers (e.g., otolith
microchemistry, genetics) had limited success. Herein, we test the ability to
use acoustic telemetry as a novel stock discrimination method by evaluating
survival of walleye captured via angling and tagged at elevated water
temperatures (i.e., > 20°C). Thirty walleye were collected from western Lake
Erie during July–August 2015 and implanted with acoustic transmitters using an
established surgical protocol, used successfully to tag hundreds of walleye
previously with minimal post-release mortality. Fish were released into an
array of 25 acoustic receivers, and individual detection histories were used to
estimate short-term survival (i.e., 30-day). Mean water temperature at capture
was 26.0°C and ranged 21.4 to 28.4°C. Total survival was 60% (18/30), which was
similar to survival of walleye caught in live-release tournaments during summer
months. Despite high mortality experienced by tagged fish, several surviving
fish were detected during the 2016 spawning period at two locations that
support large aggregations of walleye, which served as proof-of-concept to the
idea that acoustic telemetry can be used to estimate stock contributions to a
fishery. Given that the success of such an approach depends on an ability of
researchers to minimize mortality of tagged fish, we developed guidelines that
seek to minimize the stress of capture and tagging based on our experience and
published recommendations for walleye and other fishes.