**ABSTRACT NOT FOR CITATION WITHOUT AUTHOR PERMISSION. The title, authors, and abstract for this completion report are provided below. For a copy of the full completion report, please contact the author via e-mail at [email protected]. Questions? Contact the GLFC via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 734-662-3209.**
Environmental AND
Physiological Determinants of Larval Sea Lamprey Tolerance AND
Resilience to TFM
P. Wilkie, and 2Jeffrey Slade
of Biology and Laurier Institute for Water Science, Wilfrid Laurier University
Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3C5.
2Ludington Biological Station, Ludington MI. Retired May 2014.
January 2017
lampricide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM), is typically applied to
streams infested with larval sea lampreys at least once every 5 years,
resulting in the eradication of multiple generations of these invasive species
with a single treatment. However, treatment success can be confounded by “residual”
larval sea lampreys, which survive treatment and eventually undergo
metamorphosis, before migrating downstream where they parasitize/prey upon
economically and culturally important fishes in the Great Lakes. The
overarching goal of the present study was to identify the abiotic and
biotic factors that can result in “treatment residuals” following TFM
treatments. Accordingly, the objectives of our research were to: (I) establish
if seasonal differences in water temperature explain the greater tolerance of
larval lampreys to TFM in summer, (II) determine if sea lamprey recover
more rapidly from TFM exposure in warmer waters, (III) explain how water
pH influences the sensitivity of sea lampreys to TFM and their recovery from
TFM exposure, and (IV) ascertain how body size, life stage and the
physiological condition of lampreys influences TFM sensitivity. To determine
how seasonal changes in temperature altered TFM sensitivity (Obj. I),
larval sea lampreys were collected during the spring (May), summer (June,
August) and fall (October) from the Au Sable River, MI and transported to the Hammond
Bay Biological Station (HBBS), where acute toxicity tests were completed within
1-2 weeks of capture. These experiments confirmed that TFM tolerance was
greatest in late summer (August), when the minimum lethal concentration of TFM
fatal to 50% and 99.9% (LC50, LC99.9 over 12 h) of the population sampled
was 2.7-3.0 fold greater compared to values measured in spring. Follow-up
toxicity tests, conducted the following summer in cool (6ºC), moderate (12ºC)
or warm (21ºC) waters at the HBBS, indicated that TFM tolerance increased in
warmer waters, as illustrated by a strong linear (R2 > 0.98) increase in the 12-h LC50 with temperature, which was more
than 2-fold greater at 21ºC compared to 6ºC. Potential indices of sea lamprey
tolerance to TFM (Obj. IV), including whole body, brain and liver
glycogen and lipid reserves, were only marginally affected by season (time of
year) and temperature in untreated (no TFM) animals. We therefore conclude that
the greater tolerance of sea lampreys to TFM in summer is mainly due to warmer
water temperatures, and that the physiological condition of the animals plays a
secondary role. HPLC analysis indicated the whole body concentrations of the
TFM detoxification product TFM-glucuronide were just above levels of detection,
showing no variation in concentration with season or temperature. The mRNA
coding for the enzyme involved in TFM-glucuronide production, UDP-glucuronyltransferase (UDPGT), was detected, suggesting
that the sea lamprey may have limited capacity to biotransform
TFM to TFM-glucuronide. To determine how temperature influenced TFM loading and
the capacity to recover from TFM exposure (Obj. II), radio-labelled TFM
(14C-TFM) was
used to track rates of TFM uptake (ṀTFM) and elimination. Water temperature
markedly influenced ṀTFM, which increased linearly with
temperature, and was 2.3-fold greater at 22ºC compared to 6ºC. Yet no
differences were detected in rates of TFM elimination measured over 24 h following
the injection of TFM, suggesting that a greater capacity for TFM-detoxification
or other processes accounted for the relatively higher tolerance of larval sea
lampreys to TFM at warmer temperatures. Similar experiments using 14C-TFM also demonstrated a clear
inverse relationship between water pH and TFM uptake (Obj. III),
indicating that the majority of TFM uptake across the gills took place by
simple diffusion in its un-ionized, more lipophilic form (TFM-OH). ṀTFM
was 4-5 fold greater at low pH (pH 6.5) compared to higher
pH (pH 9.0), when there was virtually no TFM-OH in the water. However, ṀTFM
was not eliminated at pH 9.0, suggesting that significant
amounts of TFM were taken-up in its ionized (TFM-O-) form at pH 9.0. In contrast to
uptake, TFM elimination was enhanced when sea lamprey, loaded with known amounts
of 14C-labeled
TFM, were introduced into more alkaline water. Combined with previous studies
indicating that sea lampreys can rapidly recover from short-term TFM exposure,
these findings suggest that even short-term interruptions of TFM treatments
(e.g. due to mechanical failure, changes in water pH, altered water flow, behavioural avoidance), could enhance the probability of
treatment residuals. Biotic factors also influenced TFM sensitivity (Obj. IV),
but not completely as expected. As hypothesized, both oxygen consumption (ṀO2)
and ṀTFM were inversely proportional to body
mass, with respective rates of ṀO2 and
ṀTFM being up to
5-fold and 15-fold in the smallest (< 0.5 g) compared to the largest larvae
(~ 3.6 g). Each scaled allometrically to increases in
body mass (M) as described by the respective allometric
equations: ṀO2 = 1.89·M0.57 and ṀTFM
= 6.47·M0.26.
Surprisingly, no
differences in ṀO2 or ṀTFM were observed between comparably sized
larval and post-metamorphic juvenile sea lampreys. Neither
body mass or length affected the 9-h LC50
or LC99.9 (MLC;
Minimum Lethal Concentration) of TFM. However, larger animals survived TFM
exposure for much longer than smaller larval sea lampreys. Notably, survival
approached or exceeded 9 h in larval sea lampreys greater than 90 mm in length.
These findings suggest that for typical 9 h treatments, in which the MLC is
based on a population average, that larger larval sea lampreys are much more
likely to be a source of residuals than smaller animals. We conclude that
variation in abiotic and biotic factors can markedly influence the effectiveness
of TFM treatments. It may therefore be prudent to consider the effects that
variations in water temperature, pH and body size have on treatment success
when planning and carrying out TFM treatments to further reduce numbers of
residual sea lampreys.