**ABSTRACT NOT FOR CITATION WITHOUT AUTHOR PERMISSION. The title, authors, and abstract for this completion report are provided below. For a copy of the full completion report, please contact the author via e-mail at [email protected] or via phone at 989-734-4768. Questions? Contact the GLFC via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 734-662-3209.**
Transfer of Finnish Coregonine
Culture Techniques and a Retrospective Analysis of Restoration Strategies to
Advance Coregonine Restoration in the Great Lakes
Project ID – 2013_BRO_77002
Report A: Transfer of Finnish Coregonine Culture Techniques
Report B: Retrospective Analysis of Restoration Strategies to Advance
Coregonine Restoration in the Great Lakes
Rachel M. Van Dam6, Matthew S. Kornis6,
Christina C. Haska7, Zachary W. Blevins7, John M.
Dettmers7 , Andrew M. Muir7, Charles C. Krueger8,
and Charles R. Bronte6
1 U. S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Jordan River National Fish Hatchery, 6623 Turner Road,
Elmira, MI 49730
2 Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and
Forestry, Fish and Wildlife Services Branch, P.O. Box 7000, 300 Water Street, Peterborough,
ON, K9J 3C7
3Michigan Department of Natural Resource, 2122
South M-37, Traverse City, MI 49685
4 University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point,
Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility, P.O. Box 165, Bayfield, WI 54814
5 Chippewa Ottawa Treaty Authority, Nunns Creek Fish Hatchery, HC 47, Box 8100, Hessel,
MI 49745
6 U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Green Bay Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office, 2661 Scott Tower Drive, New Franken, Wisconsin, USA 54229
7Great Lakes Fishery Commission, 2100 Commonwealth Blvd., Suite 100, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
State University, Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability, 1405 South
Harrison Road, 115 Manly Miles Building, East Lansing, MI, 48823
culture in North American is rare compared to in Northern Europe where they
have been cultured for decades to meet demands for mitigation, restoration, and
the development of an aquaculture industry for food.
of coregonines is now being considered for some of the Great Lakes, and the
operational transition to accommodate coregonines in existing or new facilities
can be informed by existing, long-standing protocols in European
hatcheries. To capitalize on this
existing knowledge, a North American team of hatchery and management biologists
visited state and private facilities in Finland that were raising
coregonines. Details on captive brood
stock management, egg collection and incubation, rearing, marking, and
transportation and stocking were investigated.
The large scale nature of efforts overseas will greatly inform any
efforts in North America by eliminating unnecessary research on culture and
stocking techniques, and reducing the time and expense to establish restoration
in the Laurentian Great Lakes, coregonines were the principal prey for the largest
lake trout populations in the world. The collapse of cisco (C. artedi) and deepwater ciscoes (Coregonus spp.) during the 1920-1960s
altered energy flow and predator-prey dynamics throughout the basin. With
recent reductions of non-native prey fishes across all the Great Lakes,
restoration of native coregonines through stocking is now being considered.
Great Lakes hatchery managers travelled to Finland in 2012 and 2014 to observe
and transfer knowledge from well-established large-scale government and private
coregonine culture programs. To augment the knowledge gained from those
exchanges, we examined the efficacy of coregonine stocking programs in North
America, Europe, and Asia through a retrospective analysis from the literature
on coregonine stocking attempts. We evaluated system-specific (e.g., lake
size), species-specific (e.g., species stocked), and implementation-specific
(e.g., number of years stocked) variables associated with stocking programs to
identify those that contributed to reestablishment success. Boosted regression
trees were used to analyze the influence of each variable on the binary outcome
of stocking (success or failure).
Results indicated that species stocked, lake size, and number of years
stocked were most influential on stocking success. Success rates were
species-specific. Small lakes (under 5,000 ha) and long stocking periods were
associated with success. Results support the idea that proposed culture and
stocking protocols can be refined and adapted to provide the best opportunity
to restore extirpated coregonines in the Great Lakes.