abstract for this completion report are provided below. For a copy of the full
completion report, please contact the author via e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected]. Questions? Contact
the GLFC via email at [email protected] or via
telephone at 734-662-3209.**
Thomas Binder1, Steven Farha2,
John Janssen3, Stephen Riley2, Mike Hansen4,
Charles Bronte5, Charles Krueger6
1Department of
Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, Hammond Bay Biological Station,11188
Ray Rd., Millersburg MI 49759
2Great Lakes Science
Center, USGS, 1451 Green Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105
3U. WI-Milwaukee, 600
E. Greenfield, Milwaukee, WI 53204
4Hammond Bay Biological
Station, USGS, 11188 Ray Rd., Millersburg MI 49759
5U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, 2661 Scott Tower Dr., New Franken, WI 54229
6Center for Systems
Integration and Sustainability, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan
State University, 115 Manly Miles Building, 1405 S. Harrison Rd., East Lansing,
MI 48823
December 2018
of self-sustaining lake trout populations in the Great Lakes has been slow,
possibly due in part to a poor ability of hatchery-reared fish to select
appropriate spawning habitat where embryos can successfully incubate and hatch. The process of spawning habitat selection
by lake trout is poorly understood, and researchers have often been unable to
determine why some habitats are used for spawning while other seemly similar
habitats are not. Progress toward a complete understanding of spawning habitat
selection has likely been impeded by three research shortcomings; 1) selection
of spawning habitats occurs at very small spatial scales, but spawning habitat
studies have examined habitats at coarse scales, 2) spawning habitat studies
have often been limited to habitats that fit preconceived notions about what
constitutes suitable spawning habitat, and 3) observations of spawning in
'unconventional' habitats have largely been dismissed as aberrant behavior. We
used positional acoustic telemetry to study spawning habitat selection on two
known spawning reefs in the Drummond Island Refuge, Lake Huron; our use of
telemetry allowed us not only to examine habitat use at fine-scale, but also to
focus our sampling effort based on the behavior of the fish, rather than
pre-conceived notions of what habitats were most likely to be used. Our
specific research objectives were: 1) to determine if physical characteristics of habitat selected by lake trout for egg
deposition and incubation differ from those at sites on the same reefs not
chosen for spawning, and 2) to determine if egg incubation success is higher on
sites chosen by lake trout for egg deposition than on sites on the same reefs
not used for spawning. Habitat characteristics (i.e., substrate size,
interstitial depth, slope magnitude, substrate homogeneity) were measured at 58
sites (20 m x 20 m) on the two reefs, all of which had been identified as areas
of frequent lake trout activity by the acoustic telemetry data. Egg deposition
was confirmed at 25 sites, but the physical characteristics of sites with eggs
varied among reefs and were not reliable predictors of spawning site selection.
Slope magnitude was a significant predictor on one reef but not the other,
which had little slope, and all other measured habitat variables were not
significantly correlated with egg deposition. Embryo incubation success was
assessed at a subset of sites using an incubation bioassay with hatchery-source
fertilized eggs seeded in plexiglass incubators. Incubation success was higher
in our study than in other studies elsewhere in the Great Lakes that have used
this bioassay but did not differ among sites selected for spawning and those
that were not, which suggests that some sites not selected for spawning were
suitable for embryo incubation. We observed spawning on a third 'reef' in
gravel-rubble substrates at the base of very large boulders, a behavior that
has not been reported before. We surveyed for eggs under 40 out of an estimated
269 boulders (based on high resolution bathymetry) scattered over an area of
0.63 km2. Deposited eggs were observed in the undercut space beneath
overhanging edges of all 40 boulders, sometimes in substrates with seemingly
insufficient interstitial space for protecting eggs. Successful incubation of
embryos in substrates associated with boulders was confirmed using specialized
traps and a modified ROV-based electroshocker. However, free embryo densities
were much lower than at sites surveyed at the two adjacent more typical
spawning reefs. This result may have been due to a high rate of post-hatch
movement away from less-protected habitat under boulders. Numerous free embryos
were discovered and caught on top of several boulders. Our observations of
spawning in a wide range of substrates suggests that stony substrate
characteristics are not the most important variables determining spawning
habitat selection in lake trout. We propose that future studies should investigate
the role of lake currents, including the interaction between flow and substrate
and hyporheic upwellings, in determining spawning habitat selection in this