**ABSTRACT NOT FOR CITATION WITHOUT AUTHOR PERMISSION. The title, authors, and abstract for this completion report are provided below. For a copy of the full completion report, or with questions, please contact the GLFC via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 734-662-3209.**
to growth of Lake Superior lake trout, Salvelinus
T.B. Johnson1, L. Hartt1, and
D.M. Mason2
1 Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Lake Erie Fisheries Station
Wheatley, Ontario N0P 2P0
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration
Great Lakes Environmental Research
2205 Commonwealth Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2945
August 2001
We describe lake trout Salvelinus namaycush growth in
Lake Superior management unit WI-2 between 1950 and 1999. Growth was described
using both interannual and cohort based analyses
employing size-at-age, instantaneous growth and vonBertalanffy
growth models. Growth of lake trout has declined over the past 50 years. Reduction
in growth was most notable after the early 1980s and was greater for wild than hatchery
lake trout. In an attempt to explain the decline in growth, we evaluated
several constraints including density-dependence, prey resource limitation,
prey quality, thermodynamics and sea lamprey parasitism. We found little
support for any of our expected hypotheses on growth constraints. A simplified bioenergetic and foraging model suggests that, while prey
abundance and biomass are low in Lake Superior, they are sufficient to meet
energetic demands in most years. The large thermal mass of Lake Superior may
buffer against any significant inter-annual differences in climate that could affect
lake trout thermal habitat volume and associated thermodynamic effects on
growth. Future analyses such as these would benefit from more precise aging
techniques, including using back-calculated growth rates from otoliths of
single fish.