Water Tower Inn
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
19,20 March 2001
LSC: Chairman Steve Scott (MDNR), Ken Cullis (OMNR), Tom Gorenflo (CORA), Steve Hewett (WDNR), Bill Mattes for Neil Kmiecik (GLIFWC), Don
Schreiner for Jack Wingate (MnDNR)
1. Fish Community Objectives
The LSC approved its draft fish community objectives for public review. Each agency is to seek public review and to submit comments to Bill Horns (WDNR)
by 15 July. The drafting committee will meet in conjunction with the Technical Committee, 31 July at Grand Marais. A copy will be posted on the LSC�s web
page with an opportunity to comment by e-mail. The LSC discussed adding to the discussion of exotics� constraints on fish managers.
2. Coaster Brook Trout Rehabilitation Plan
Adopted. The coaster rehabilitation plan will be posted on the LSC�s web page.
3. Walleye Rehabilitation Plan
Adopted. The walleye rehabilitation plan will be posted on the LSC�s web page.
4. Sturgeon Rehabilitation Plan
Mark Ebener (CORA) will revise as directed by the LSC, and resubmit for consideration.
5. Publishing Coaster, Walleye, Sturgeon Rehabilitation Plans
The LSC approved eventual publication of the three rehabilitation plans in a single GLFC publication (like spec. Pub. 93-1) � Rehabilitation of Selected Native
Fish of Lake Superior�.
6. Planning 2002 State of the Lake Conference
An Oversight Committee of Ken Cullis (OMNR), Jack Wingate (MnDNR), and Mark Ebener (CORA) will work with the LSC and its Technical Committee
to provide a draft agenda with speakers for consideration at the 31 July Technical Committee meeting.
7. Review of Restoration Act Proposals
The LSC will send to Steve Scott (MDNR) by 9 am 2 April a high/medium/low ranking for each Restoration Act Proposal with a sentence or two if desired.
Scott will provide LSC with averaged ratings for final approval with a conference call to be called only if needed. The LSC asked that Jack Wingate
(MnDNR) advise on any missing information for proposals and proposals which constitute year 2 of an ongoing project.
8. Habitat Committee Funds
The LSTC asked for guidance, such as an RFP, in applying for Habitat Committee funds, for example in seeking help with environmental objectives.
9. Coordination Activities Program
The LSC will review and approve CAP proposals forwarded by the LSTC. The LSC Chair will write a letter signifying sponsorship top accompany each
proposal. (Any preference will be conveyed to GLFC�s Marg Dochoda.)
10. Barriers to Partnerships
The LSC is concerned with barriers to partnerships, such as administrative fees and cost recovery policies. They referred the issue to the Council of Lake
Committees asking Acting CLC Chair Bob Lange to invite a Washington rep of USGS to discuss this problem in context of partner funding for boat assessment
11. USGS Spring Assessment of Isle Royale
LSC Chair Steve Scott will write USGS re the importance to the LSC of USGS spring assessment of Isle Royale lake trout.
12. Officers
Ken Cullis (OMNR) is Chairman through the 2003 meeting. Tom Gorenflo (CORA) is Vice Chairman.