White Oaks Conference Center
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
28, 29 March 2000
1. USGS Vessel Program
The CLC will discuss issues in resourcing the USGS vessel program. The CLC Vice Chairman will accompany the GLFC Executive Secretary to a meeting with the USGS Director to discuss Great Lakes needs.
2. Atlantic Salmon Rehabilitation Research Review Papers
Marion Daniels (OMNR) will draft a front end synthesis and provide editorial comments to other authors, for Chairman Bob
Lange�s (NYDEC) review, and compilation of historical record of early information on possibilities for Atlantic salmon
rehabilitation. Individual authors are encouraged to publish their individual papers elsewhere if time permits.
3. Bloater Discussion Paper
Publication of the bloater discussion paper was encouraged, perhaps in the GLFC�s Technical Report Series.
4. Fish Community Objectives
Sandra Orsatti (OMNR) will provide LOC response to Randy Eshenroder�s editorial comments on fish community
5. Concern re American Eels
The LOC will apply for GLFC Coordination Activity Funds for a consultant to work with Al Hoar (USFWS), Steve LePan
(NYDEC), DFO, USFWS, and a Quebec rep to produce a discussion draft / white paper by 28 August 2000 on the need to
preserve Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River spawning stocks of American eels, with background on implications for the
entire population. The consultant will present the discussion paper at the ICES meeting and finalize thereafter. White paper
could then be used as attachment to letters to responsible authorities.
In addition the LOC encouraged Pat Sullivan (Cornell U.) and Brian Lantry (NYDEC) to arrange for analysis of jaw tag data
to determine escapement options related to power dams and to the commercial fishery on silvers and yellows.
6. Lake Trout Rehabilitation Plan
Ted Schaner (OMNR) and Brian Lantry (NYDEC) will respond to Randy Eshenroder�s editorial comments on the Lake
Ontario Lake Trout Rehabilitation Plan. Given changes in benthic food web, the Technical Committee should assess
continuing validity and research needs associated with the lake trout rehabilitation plan.
7. 2001 Presentations
The LOC requested that its Technical Committee consolidate and integrate presentations at the 2001 LOC meeting.