Hyatt Regency Milwaukee
Milwaukee, MI
22, 23 March 1999
Executive Summary
1. Lake Huron Technical Committee Priorities
At its June 99 meeting the Lake Huron Technical Committee will focus on the sea lamprey management plan, environmental objectives, and planning for the 2001 symposium and the state of the lakes report proposal for the LHCs approval. The LHTC will meet with Lake Huron Initiative organizers,
2. Chinook Natural Reproduction Study
Dave Reid (OMNR) will discuss with Jim Bence (MSU) options for determining chinook salmon natural reproduction, e.g., marking � of stocked fish. The LHTC will produce a 4-year plan for agency use.
3. Predator Stocking Level
The LHTC will organize a July workshop at the McMullen Center of LHTC, LMTC and modelers to develop rationale for a stocking protocol, e.g., desired growth and mortality of chinooks and populations of alewife, identifying triggers for various management options.
4. Lake Huron Watershed Initiative
The LHC thought it would be useful to pull together info already available. Georgian Bay and North Channel data should be included: MDEQ willing to include such data and DFO promised assistance.
5. USGS Vessel Needs
The LHC and agencies support the USGSs refurbishing of the RV Sturgeon to replace the RV Cisco ($1 million) for prey research.
6. Communications
Jim Johnson (MDNR), Dave Reid (OMNR), and Marc Gaden (GLFC) will discuss St. Marys River education needs.
7. Underwater Logging
Dave Reid (OMNR) and Vic Gillman (DFO) will provide LHC copies of underwater logging guidelines.
8. St. Marys River Task Group
Dave McLeish (OMNR) will draft terms of reference with timeline for the task group and advisory group and circulate to the LHC. Focus is to be assessment. The LHTC will propose management options to LHC if needed.
9. Habitat Declaration
The LHC supports the habitat declaration in principle, is concerned about dams, and will bring any comments to CLC meeting.
10. LHTC Chairmanship
Dave Reid (OMNR) will continue chairing the LHTC through the 2000 meeting.
11. Lake Huron Predator-Prey Model
Jim Johnson (MDNR) will ask Rick Clark for technical assistance for the Lake Huron Unit in providing a home for the Lake Huron predator-prey model. Brian Henderson (OMNR) may be able to help if adapting for Georgian Bay.
12. State of the Lake Report
Dave Reid (OMNR) will ask Mike Jones (MSU) for IAGLR meeting location plans etc., and the LHC will decide venue for its state of the lake conference. The report will discuss stocking, chinook salmon, St. Marys River sea lamprey control, lake trout rehabilitation, the Bence model, predator-prey issues, progress on fish community objectives, and info on other trophic levels.
13. Officers
John Schrouder (MDNR) will serve as Chair 1999-2001, and Dave McLeish / Ron Desjardines (OMNR) will be Vice-Chair.