Niagara Falls, NY 
23,24 March 2001


LEC: Chairman Bill Culligan (NYDEC), Mike Costello (OHDNR), Del Graff (PFBC), Phil Ryan (OMNR), Gary Towns (MDNR)

1. Walleye Total Allowable Catch

The LEC approved a TAC of 3.4 million walleye.

2. Yellow Perch Total Allowable Catch

The LEC approved a TAC of 7.1 million lbs.:
                MU#1     1.8 million lbs.
                MU#2     3.5 million lbs.
                MU#3     1.73 million lbs.
                MU#4     0.07 million lbs.

The LEC agreed to conduct an independent external review of the Lake Erie yellow perch standard stock assessment modeling procedures similar to what was done for walleye in 2000. Funds will be provided by the US agencies.

3. Review of Restoration Act Proposals

The LEC assigned relative priorities to proposals submitted for Restoration Act funding, and will send to Restoration Act Review Committee Chair Jack Wingate (MNDNR).

4. Fish Community Objectives

The LEC scheduled a 2 pm 16 April conference call to consider fish community objectives with hope of publishing before the GLFC Annual Meeting.

5. Task Group Charges and Membership Changes

The states will pay for science review of the perch model.

6. Sponsoring Proposals for Coordination Activities Program

Forage Task Force � Purchase of Australian forage software for agency use ($10K).

Gary Towns � Outside facilitation of Lake St Clair fish community objectives ($10K).

Bob Haas � Help in working up spatial info on catch and effort and walleye tag recovery ($50K).

Tim Johnson � Genetic stock discrimination for walleye ($100K-$150K).

Tim Johnson � Goby project ($9K)

LEC -- Decision analysis project 

7. Officers

Gary Towns (MDNR) will chair LEC through 2003, and _________ (OMNR) will serve as vice-chair.