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Project Catalogue

The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Project Catalogue is a searchable catalogue of projects funded by the Commission and datasets arising from those funded projects. The Project Catalogue does not host any datasets, rather the goal is to provide users with information allowing them to find data and resources arising from Commission-funded work.

The Project Catalogue is made up of two types of pages: project pages and data pages. Project pages give basic information on research projects funded by the Commission and may include links to publicly available research products. Data pages describe datasets generated by funded projects, including information on how to access the data. Data pages are aways associated with a host project page, but each project page may have multiple data pages.

Both project and data pages can be searched using the search fields below. Search results are sorted into project pages (top) and data pages (bottom).

This catalogue is currently being populated and in beta form. If you encounter any issues, please email [email protected] with a description of the problem and include “Project Catalogue” in the subject line.

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Commission-Funded Projects

Title PI End Year Keywords
Quantifying abundance and recruitment in a re-establishing lake trout population by close-kin mark-recapture Marsden, Ellen 2024 Biology, Genetics, Genomics, Lake trout, Dynamics (population/community/predator-prey), Large data sets/databases,
COMPARATIVE SWIMMING PERFORMANCE OF ADULT ANADROMOUS AND LANDLOCKED SEA LAMPREY Castro-Santos, Theodore 2025 Biology, Engineering, Physiology, Barriers and trapping, Bioenergetics, Fish passage/connectivity, Adaptive management, Morphometrics and meristics, Sea lamprey,
Physiological and behavioural effects of tagging post-metamorphic sea lamprey with a micro acoustic tag Flavio, Hugo 2024 Biology, Ecology, Physiology, Aquatic invasive/exotic species, Behaviour, Sea lamprey, Telemetry/tagging/marking,
Assessing population structure and the role of burbot (Lota lota) in coupling nearshore and offshore habitats of Lake Superior Olin, Jill 2025 Biology, Ecology, Genetics, Behaviour, Dynamics (population/community/predator-prey), Productivity, Trophic ecology, Lipids and fatty acids, Population genetics (spatial structure/assignment tests/stock structure), Stable isotopes,
POST-RELEASE SURVIVAL AND DETECTION FREQUENCY OF ACOUSTICALLLY TAGGED YELLOW PERCH IN LAKE ERIE’S CENTRAL BASIN DuFour, Mark 2026 Biology, Ecology, Management, Behaviour, Dynamics (population/community/predator-prey), Fisheries (harvest, regulations) , Habitat, Advanced statistics, Modeling, Telemetry/tagging/marking,

Datasets Generated by Commission-Funded Projects

Title Waterbody End Year Keywords