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Can dam removal enhance river-spawning stock contributions of recruits to an open-lake population and its fisheries? A test case with Lake Erie Walleye

This project will assess how removal of the Ballville Dam in the Sandusky River (OH), which is an important Walleye spawning tributary, has influenced spawner movement behavior and relative contributions of recruits from this spawning stock to Lake Erie’s open-lake population and its recreational and commercial fisheries. Changes in spawner movements will be assessed by comparing acoustic telemetry data collected before dam removal with new telemetry data collected as part of this study. Changes in the relative contributions of recruits from the Sandusky River spawning stock to Lake Erie’s open-lake population and fisheries will be quantified using otolith microchemistry.



Research Program
Fishery Research Program

Research Theme
Council of Lake Committees

Start Date

End Date

PI Name
Ludsin, Stuart

PI Email

PI Institution
The Ohio State University

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