Updated 2023-11-07 14:47:26
Lake Michigan -> 5.0 Sea Lamprey Control -> Sea Lamprey Adult Abundance Index
Reporting Interval
2016 - 2021
Lake Michigan
Meeting Target?
Indicator Trend
No trend
5.1.1 Sea lamprey estimated adult abundance index below 35,000
Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) are parasitic fish native to the Atlantic Ocean and were first detected in Lake Michigan during 1936 (Smith and Tibbles 1980). They parasitize and kill other fish by boring a hole into the fish using their rasping tongue and consuming the blood and other body fluids. Sea lamprey control in Lake Michigan began by the end of 1949, when sea lampreys were identified as the reason for the decline in lake trout, with the first attempts at control using mechanical and electrical weirs. Due to the limited effectiveness of these devices, lampricide treatments began in Lake Michigan in 1960 (Lavis et al. 2000). The objective of this control program is to suppress sea lamprey abundance to levels that will not impede achievement of fish community objectives. The sea lamprey population is considered under control if the estimated adult abundance is below 35,000 and the observed lake trout marking rate is below 5 marks per 100 fish.
The most recent average adult sea lamprey abundance index value during the 2016-2021 reporting period was 16,176 (3-year running average), well below the control objective of 35,000 (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Index of adult sea lamprey abundance (3-year running average) in Lake Michigan, 1995-2021. The control objective is less than 35,000 adults.
Adult sea lamprey abundance index values are estimated using mark-recapture studies from six index streams on Lake Michigan. Detailed descriptions of these data collections can be found in the Lake Michigan Technical Committee annual reports.
Other Resources
- Lavis, D.S., M.P. Henson, D.A. Johnson, E.M. Koon, and D.J. Ollila. 2000. A Case History of Sea Lamprey Control in Lake Michigan: 1979 to 1999. Journal of Great Lakes Research 29: 584-598. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0380-1330(03)70518-8
- Smith, B.R. and J.J. Tibbles. 1980. Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior: history of invasion and control, 1936-78. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 37-(11), 1780-1801. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1139/f80-222
Contributing Author(s)
- Jenna Tews - USFWS
- Ted Treska - GLFC