Updated 2023-11-09 10:24:20

Lake Michigan -> 3.0 Inshore Fish -> Walleye Yield

Reporting Interval

2016 - 2021


Lake Michigan

Meeting Target?


Indicator Trend

Upward trend



3.1.2 Lakewide harvest of walleye between 0.2 and 0.4 million lbs

Walleye lakewide recreational harvest has been at or above target level for 14 of the past 15 years (Figure 1). The trend in lakewide recreational harvest of walleye is strongly increasing. Most of this harvest is occurring in Green Bay. 

Figure 1. Lakewide recreational harvest of walleye from Lake Michigan, 1985-2021. The expected harvest range is 0.2 – 0.4 million pounds.


Total lakewide extraction by species and source has been compiled by the LMTC since 1985 (see Redman et al. 2022).  Data for this indicator are taken from that compilation.

Other Resources

  • Redman,R., K.Donner, B.Dickinson, N.Legler, P.Dieter, D.Clapp, S.Rayford. 2022. Harvest of fishes from Lake Michigan during 2021. Report to the Lake Michigan Committee. http://www.glfc.org/pubs/lake_committees/michigan/2022%20Lake%20Michigan%20Harvest%20Report_FINAL.pdf
  • Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 2022. Lake Michigan Management Reports. Report to the Lake Michigan Committee.
  • Zorn, T.G., and D.R. Kramer. 2021. Changes in habitat conditions, fish populations, and the fishery in northern Green Bay, Lake Michigan, 1989-2019. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:549-571.

Contributing Author(s)

  • Dave Clapp - MDNR
  • Phil Kacmar - INDNR
  • Dan Makauskas - ILDNR
  • Tammie Paoli - WDNR
  • Rebecca Redman - ILDNR