Updated 2021-09-23 11:38:12
Lake Erie -> 2.0 Other Managed Species -> Rainbow Trout
Reporting Interval
2016 - 2020
Lake Erie
Meeting Target?
Indicator Trend
No trend
Maintain tributary catch rates for rainbow trout of at least 0.25 fish per hour
Migratory rainbow trout (steelhead; Oncorhynchus mykiss) are an introduced species in Lake Erie that provide localized sport fishing opportunities, primarily during seasonal spawning runs into tributaries. Though limited natural reproduction does occur, annual stocking is necessary to support the rainbow trout fishery in the Lake Erie basin. Annual stocking averages over 1.9 million yearlings with the bulk of the fish planted in the tributaries along the south shore of the lake (Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York; Figure 1). Catch rates (fish per angler hour (fish/hr)) throughout the time-series remain well above the target of at least 0.25 fish/hr and are among the highest in the Great Lakes. Angler survey results found very high angler catch rates in the early and mid-2000’s that averaged 0.60 fish/hr followed by a decline from 2008-2014 (average = 0.35 fish/hr; Figure 2). The most recent survey conducted in 2017-18 in New York tributaries found that catch rates had increased to levels observed in the mid-2000’s.
Figure 1. Annual stocking (millions) of yearling rainbow trout into the tributaries of Lake Erie, 2000-2020.
Figure 2. Average catch rates (fish/hr) of rainbow trout measured in angler surveys conducted in the Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York tributaries of Lake Erie by survey year, 2003-2017. The target catch rate is at least 0.25 fish/hr.
Catch per effort (fish/hr) is measured using periodic angler surveys conducted in the Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York tributaries of Lake Erie.
Other Resources
- Coldwater Task Group. 2021. 2020 Report of the Lake Erie Coldwater Task Group, March 2021. Presented to the Standing Technical Committee, Lake Erie Committee of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Available at: http://glfc.org/pubs/lake_committees/erie/CWTG_docs/annual_reports/CWTG_report_2021.pdf
- Markham, J.L. 2019. Tributary Angler Survey 2017-2018. Section I in NYSDEC 2019, Lake Erie 2018 Annual Report. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany. Available at: http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/32286.html
Contributing Author(s)
- James Markham - NYSDEC
- Chuck Murray - PFBC
- John Deller - ODNR
- Tom MacDougall - OMNDMNRF
- John Buszkiewicz - MDNR