Updated 2021-09-14 15:09:22

Lake Erie -> 2.0 Other Managed Species -> Black Bass

Reporting Interval

2016 - 2020


Lake Erie

Meeting Target?


Indicator Trend

No trend



Maintain catch rates of black bass of at least 0.50 fish per hour

Black bass (smallmouth (Micropterus dolomieu) and largemouth (M. salmoides) bass) are an important sportfish species across the Lake Erie Basin. Historically, smallmouth were the dominant species lake-wide, but in recent years largemouth bass have become more prevalent in the west basin fishery. The Lake Erie Committee has established a target catch rate of at least 0.50 fish per angler hour (fish/hr) for black bass across Lake Erie. In general, the fishery has met this target for the past 20 years. During the 2016-2020 reporting period, average catch rates were above target for all Lake Erie basins (west: 0.62, central: 0.58, east: 1.00 fish/hr; Figure 1) and Lake St. Clair (0.70 fish/hr; Figure 2). Annual catch rates of black bass were generally variable with a declining trend in the west basin and no evident trend in the central basin, east basin, or Lake St. Clair. 

Figure 1. Average angler catch rates (fish/hr) of black bass in Lake Erie by basin, 1999-2020. The target catch rate is at least 0.50 fish/hr.

Figure 2. Average angler catch rates (fish/hr) of black bass in Lake St. Clair (Michigan data only), 2016-2019. The target catch rate is at least 0.50 fish/hr.


Angler catch rate (fish/hour) is measured using annual angler surveys. West basin data includes an average of the catch rates from Michigan and Ohio (western basin data only). Central basin averages included data from Ohio (Central basin data only) and Pennsylvania (Central basin data only). East basin data is from New York only. Lake St. Clair catch rate data is from Michigan waters only.

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Contributing Author(s)

  • Pascal Wilkins - NYSDEC
  • Brian Schmidt - ODNR
  • Mike Hosack - PFBC
  • Todd Wills - MDNR