Updated 2021-11-17 13:21:05
Lake Erie -> 2.0 Other Managed Species -> Muskellunge
Reporting Interval
2016 - 2020
Lake St. Clair System; Upper Niagara River
Meeting Target?
Indicator Trend
Downward trend
Maintain muskellunge populations to sustain catch rates near the long-term average
In the Lake Erie Basin, the most prevalent muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) fisheries occur in the Lake St. Clair system (Lake St. Clair, St. Clair River, and Detroit River) and the Upper Niagara River. Muskellunge are not easily assessed through traditional sampling techniques. Therefore, angler catch rates (fish per angler hour (fish/hr)) from agency angler or charter reporting programs and local musky clubs provide the most reliable information for determining population status. During the 2016-2020 reporting period, average catch rates in the Lake St. Clair system (0.125 fish/hr) were slightly above the long-term average (0.122 fish/hr) but were below average in the Upper Niagara River (average = 0.041 fish/hr; long-term 0.06 fish/hr). Declining trends in annual angler catch rates were evident in both areas over the reporting period.
Figure 1. Annual and average catch rates (fish/hr) of muskellunge in the Lake St. Clair System (LSC) and the Upper Niagara River (UNR), 1995-2020.
Lake St. Clair System - Data are averages of the annual catch rates from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Charter Boat Reporting Program (2010-2019) and the Musky Canada Log Program (1996-2020).
Upper Niagara River - Data are averages of the annual catch rates from the Niagara Musky Association Angler Cooperator Program (1995-2019) and the Musky Canada Log Program (1997-2020).
Other Resources
Contributing Author(s)
- Todd Wills - Michigan DNR
- Chris Driscoll - NYSDEC
- Richard Drouin - OMNDMNRF