Updated 2023-11-21 10:47:19
Lake Ontario -> 2.0 Offshore Pelagic Zone Goal -> Atlantic Salmon
Reporting Interval
2014 - 2019
Meeting Target?
Does Not Meet
Indicator Trend
No trend
Establishment of self-sustaining wild Atlantic Salmon populations in selected Ontario Rivers; Credit River, Duffins Creek, Cobourg Brook, Humber River and Bronte Creek
In the current reporting period, Atlantic Salmon smolt surveys were conducted on the Credit River by OMNRF and its partners from 2014 to 2016. During these surveys a total of 1,566 Atlantic Salmon smolts were sampled (n = 351 in 2014, n = 798 in 2015 and n = 417 in 2016). Of these samples, an average of 4.3% (2014 = 5%, 2015 = 3% and 2016 = 5%) were deemed genetically ambiguous, suggesting these fish were a product of natural reproduction. This average is comparable tot he 5% genetic ambiguity average from smolt surveys in the previous reporting period (2011=n/a, 2012 = 8% and 2013 = 2%).
In addition, OMNRF and its partners have received angler reports throughout the current reporting period of observations of Atlantic Salmon in Lake Ontario tributaries. These angler reports include tributaries that are unmonitored and are not specific to the restoration initiative.
MNRF and its partners conducted a smolt survey on the Credit River, ON from 2011 to 2016 using a rotary screw trap. Each year, daily sampling occurred on out-migrating salmon and trout species from approximately April to June. Tissues from any Atlantic Salmon captured were sent for genetic analyses. Genetic results deemed “ambiguous” could not be attributed to stocking events, and thus were considered a result of natural reproduction.
Other Resources
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. 2017. Lake Ontario Fish Communities and Fisheries: 2016 Annual Report of the Lake Ontario Management Unit. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Picton, Ontario, Canada.
Contributing Author(s)
- Michael Yuille - OMNRF
- Marc Desjardins - OMNRF