Updated 2023-11-21 10:57:55
Lake Ontario -> 2.0 Offshore Pelagic Zone Goal -> Chinook Salmon
Reporting Interval
2014 - 2019
Meeting Target?
Indicator Trend
Upward trend
Maintaining or increasing catch rates of Chinook Salmon in the lake and tributary fisheries.
During the current reporting period (2014-2019), Chinook Salmon remained the top offshore pelagic predator with the highest angler catch rates in the open lake among all salmon and trout. In New York waters, the 2014-2019 average catch rate of Chinook Salmon increased by 33% compared to the previous reporting period and catch rates in three of six years were the highest recorded during the 35-year data series (Connerton et al. 2020). Angler catch rates in New York have remained high for 17 consecutive years (2003-2019) and were more than 2-fold higher than catch rates during 1985-2002. In Ontario, angler catch rates of Chinook Salmon during this reporting period (angler surveys conducted 2016 and 2019) increased by 15% compared to the previous reporting period (surveys conducted in 2011-2013) and catch rates in 2019 were the third highest in the 26-year data series (OMNRF 2020).
Data in tributaries are more limited since surveys were not done annually. In New York, average catch rates in 2015 and 2019 (0.12 fish per angler hour) were nearly identical to the last reporting period (0.13 per angler hour in 2011). In Ontario tributaries, average angler catch rate in 2015 (0.1 fish per angler hour) was comparable to that observed in NY in that year (0.15 per angler hour). At Salmon River in New York, creel surveys were conducted more frequently during the reporting period and provide a longer-term dataset for comparison. Angler catch rates of Chinook Salmon at Salmon River (0.04 fish per hour) were relatively low compared with other NY tributaries in 2015, and lower than the average rate at Salmon River during the last reporting period (0.12 fish per hour). However, lower catch rate in 2015 may be the result of extremely high angler effort in 2015 as opposed to lower Chinook salmon abundance. Catch rates in 2017-2019 at Salmon River averaged about 10% higher than angler catch rates in 2011.
Catch rates (fish•angler hr-1) of Chinook Salmon in the open waters of Lake Ontario during April 15-September 30, 1985-2019. In New York, the angler survey is conducted in southern and eastern Lake Ontario, and the catch rates shown are for charter boats only (Connerton et al 2020). In Ontario, the angler survey is conducted in western Lake Ontario, and the catch rates shown are for all fishing boats (OMNR 2020).
Catch rates (fish•angler hr-1) of Chinook Salmon in tributaries of Lake Ontario during September-November for the years shown. In New York, the angler survey was conducted in approximately 20 Lake Ontario tributaries including the Salmon River (Prindle and Bishop 2020). In Ontario, the angler survey was conducted on 10 tributaries in September 2014-May 2015 (OMNR 2020).
Chinook salmon catch rates, an indicator of fishing quality, are monitored by both the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF). DEC annually monitors the NY lake fishery since 1985 by counting boats and interviewing anglers at 29 access channels from Niagara River to Henderson Harbor during April-September (Connerton et al 2020). OMNRF monitors the ON lake fishery by interviewing anglers and counting trailers at high effort boat launch ramps from the Niagara River to Hamilton (April-August) and from Port Credit to Wellington during June-August. OMNR fishery statistics for marina-based anglers are scaled based on periodic surveys of marinas (OMNRF 2020).
Tributaries are surveyed less frequently than the lake fishery. During this reporting period, DEC conducted creel surveys on 20 NY streams in two years from September to May of each year (2015 and 2019); and the Salmon River was surveyed in fall 2015, and 2017-2019 (Prindle and Bishop 2020). OMNRF conducted a creel survey of 10 Lake Ontario tributaries from September 2014-May 2015. During the last reporting period (2008-2013), NY tributaries were surveyed once in 2011.
Other Resources
Connerton, M.J.., N.V. Farese and R. J. Moore. 2020. Lake Ontario Fishing Boat Survey 1985-2019. Section 2 In NYSDEC 2019 Annual Report, Bureau of Fisheries, Lake Ontario Unit and St. Lawrence River Unit to the Great Lake Fishery Commission’s Lake Ontario Committee.
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. 2020. Lake Ontario Fish Communities and Fisheries: 2019 Annual Report of the Lake Ontario Management Unit. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Picton, Ontario, Canada.
Prindle, S.P. and D.L. Bishop 2020. Population Characteristics of Pacific Salmonines Collected at the Salmon River Hatchery 2019. Section 9 In NYSDEC 2019 Annual Report, Bureau of Fisheries, Lake Ontario Unit and St. Lawrence River Unit to the Great Lake Fishery Commission’s Lake Ontario Committee
Contributing Author(s)
- Michael Connerton - NYDEC
- Michael Yuille - OMNRF
- Daniel Bishop - NYDEC