2021 Lake Meeting Presentation Videos
Lake Michigan Committee Meeting
- Opening remarks and introductions - John Dettmers (GLFC)
- Two years of highlights: The LMC and LMTC - Vic Santucci (Illinois DNR)
- Lake Michigan fall bottom trawl update - Ralph Tingley (USGS)
- Whole-lake indexing of round goby abundances with photographic catch data - Peter Esselman (USGS)
- Salmonid Working Group and predator prey updates - Nick Legler (WDNR)
- Predatory fish diets in Lakes Michigan and Huron, 2017-2019 - Brian Roth (MSU)
- Sea lamprey control in Lake Michigan 2020 - Aaron Jubar (USFWS)
- Spawning site selection by lake trout and lake whitefish on Good Harbor Reef: reef restoration and dreissenid mussel removal - Ben Turschak (MDNR)
- Lake Michigan lake trout rehabilitation strategy review: a brief summary - Chuck Madenjian (USGS)
- Update on lake whitefish and walleye telemetry in and around Green Bay - Dan Isermann (University of Wisconsin - Steven’s Point)
- Summary of Lake Trout Strains in Lake Michigan - Jory Jonas (Michigan DNR)
- Current Status of Lake Michigan Yellow Perch, Walleye, and Other Inshore Fishes - Dave Clapp (Michigan DNR)
- Steelhead Otolith Microchemistry and Mixed-Stock Analysis - Kevin Pangle (CMU)
- Post-Release Movement of Coded-Wire Tagged Lake Trout in Lake Michigan - Matt Kornis (USFWS)
Lake Superior Committee Meeting
- Opening remarks and introductions - John Dettmers (GLFC) and Seth Moore (GPBLSC)
- Lean and siscowet lake trout trends - Shawn Sitar (MIDNR)
- Summer survey lake trout trends - Dray Carl (WDNR)
- Sea lamprey update - Mike Steeves (DFO)
- Brook trout genetics - Nadya Mamoozadeh (MSU)
- Spatial assessment of pygmy whitefish, kiyi, and deepwater sculpin - Adam van der Lee (DFO)
- Black Bay walleye movement - Kyle Stratton (OMNRF)
- Waishkey Bay carp movement - Frank Zomer (BMIC)
- Bloater barotrauma - Owen Gorman (USGS)
- Lake Superior Committee session wrap-up and closing remarks
Lake Huron Committee Meeting
- Opening remarks and introductions - John Dettmers (GLFC)
- Offshore forage fish update - Tim O’Brien (USGS)
- Cisco stocking and evaluation in Lake Huron - Kevin McDonnell (USFWS)
- Lake whitefish recruitment in Lake Huron - Erin Dunlop (OMNRF)
- Sea Lamprey Control update - Shawn Nowicki (USFWS)
- Historic stocking and current strain composition of lake trout in Lake Huron - Dave Gonder (OMNRF)
- Lake trout mortality and year class strength in Lake Huron - Ji He (MDNR)
- Telemetry effort in Lake Huron - Chris Davis (OMNRF)
- St. Mary’s River Fisheries Task Group update - Neal Godby (MDNR)
- Aquatic Invasive species update - Anjanette Bowen (USFWS)
- Sturgeon Objective: Saginaw Bay Sturgeon Restoration - Justin Chiotti (USFWS)
Lake Ontario Committee Meeting
- Opening remarks and introductions - GLFC and LOC
- Lake Ontario prey fish science: the role of procedures and productivity - Brian Weidel (USGS)
- Old and new techniques for predator monitoring in a changing ecosystem - Michael Connerton (NYSDEC)
- Coregonines across space: a collaborative, lake-wide approach to monitoring cisco and lake whitefish spawning populations and habitats - Taylor Brown (Cornell University)
- Changes to the bass season in Ontario waters of Lake Ontario - Bruce Tufts (Queen’s University)
- Using telemetry to understand fish movements and contribute to management in Lake Ontario - Aaron Fisk (University of Windsor)
- Lake Ontario Committee session wrap-up and closing remarks
Lake Erie Committee Meeting
- Opening remarks and introductions - John Dettmers (GLFC) and Travis Hartman (ODNR)
- STC update: YPMP and SOLE - Eric Weimer (ODNR)
- Walleye Task Group - Matt Faust (ODNR)
- Yellow Perch Task Group - Mike Hosack (PFBC)
- TAC announcement - Travis Hartman (ODNR)
- Habitat Task Group - Stephen Marklevitz (OMNRF)
- Coldwater Task Group - Tom MacDougall (OMNRF)
- Sea lamprey control in Lake Erie - Chris Eilers (USFWS)
- Forage Task Group: status of forage fish and lower trophic indicators - Zak Slagle (ODNR)
- Lake St. Clair Collaborative fisheries assessment update - Andrew Briggs (MIDNR)
- Lake whitefish movement - Richard Kraus (USGS)
- Muskellunge movement - Jan Michael Hessenauer (MIDNR)
- Lake trout movement - James Markham (NYDEC)
- Smallmouth bass post-tournament movement - Zak Slagle (ODNR)
- Lake sturgeon restoration - Justin Chiotti (USFWS)
- Lake Sturgeon HSI Project - OMNRF
- Walleye movement - Graham Raby (Trent University)
- The H2Ohio Initiative - Janice Kerns (ODNR)
- Yellow perch diet shift - Joe Schmitt (USGS)
- Mixed stock analysis of East Basin walleye - Peter Euclide (University of Wisconsin - Steven’s Point)
- Grass carp removal and research - Christine Mayer (University of Toledo)
- Sandusky River seasonal barrier feasibility - John Navarro (ODNR)
- Lake Erie Committee session wrap-up and closing remarks