2016 Lake Meeting Presentation Videos
Lake Superior Committee Meeting
- Welcome from LSC
- USGS Prey fish update
- Minnesota hydroacoustics survey
- Life history variation among four lake trout morphs at Isle Royale, Lake Superior
- Lake trout depth selection: use of popup tags
- Lake trout morph genetics
- Lake trout lipid levels
- Lake trout hooking mortality
- Sea lamprey update
- Lake Superior's river spawning lake trout
- Strategic brook trout habitat conservation and restoration in Wisconsin's Lake Superior basin
- Minnesota management plan
- Cisco surveys in Lake Superior
Lake Huron Committee Meeting
- Introductions and welcome
- Sea lamprey report
- Prey fish summary
- Bloater dynamics
- Cisco study update
- Saginaw Bay reef proposal
- Saginaw Bay assessment in support of management
- Lake trout dynamics in the main basin
- Lake trout dynamics in Ontario
- Lake trout stocking reduction strategy
- Lake whitefish population dynamics in Lake Huron
- Recent changes in commercial and recreational yield in Lake Huron
Lake Michigan Committee Meeting
- State of Lake Michigan
- Trends in the pelagic and benthic lower food web
- Status of forage fishes
- Status of salmon and trout
- Status of lake trout
- Salmon and trout stable isotopes
- Status of mass marking
- Status of yellow perch, smallmouth bass, and other species
- Status of lake whitefish
- Status and rehabilitation of lake sturgeon
- Status of the native planktivore task group report
- Status of lake herring and rehabilitation
- Sea lamprey control in Lake Michigan
- Lake Michigan habitat update
- Early detection and monitoring of aquatic invasive species in Lake Michigan
- Status of fish health
- Lake Michigan fish contaminants
- Great Lakes commercial net pen aquaculture in Michigan
- Fish Community Objectives
Upper Lakes Common Session
- Great Lakes acoustic telemetry: technology, challenges, and opportunities
- The Joint Strategic Plan and environmental principles
- The value of environmental principles to fishery managers
- Developing and implementing environmental principles
- Value of environmental principles to the GLWQA
- Current status of ciscoes in the Great Lakes
Lake Erie Committee Meeting
- Opening remarks/introductions
- Report of the Habitat Task Group
- Report of the Forage Task Group
- Report of Coldwater Task Group
- Sea lamprey control in 2015/2016
- Report of the Yellow Perch Task Group
- Assessing contributions of individual walleye stocks in the Western Basin
- Acoustic telemetry/GLATOS update
- Report of the Walleye Task Group
- Stakeholder input
- TAC announcement
- Lake Sturgeon Working Group Report
- Report on Lake St. Clair
Lake Ontario Committee Meeting
- Introductions
- Warmwater fisheries assessments
- Status of American eel recovery
- St. Lawrence River fish community management Perspectives
- Status of warmwater fish stocks and fisheries
- Walleye status update
- Nearshore fish community management perspectives
- Foodweb perspectives
- Status of preyfish stocks
- Atlantic salmon restoration
- Welcome to day two
- IJC's plan for Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence water levels
- Lake Ontario Mass Marking Initiative
- Chinook, Coho, Rainbow, and Brown Trout
- Lake herring restoration
- Offshore pelagic management perspectives
- Lake trout
- Sea lamprey
- Deepwater coregonid re-introduction
- Benthic prey species
- Deep pelagic/offshore benthic management perspectives
Lower Lakes Common Session
- The Joint Strategic Plan and Environmental Principles
- The value of Environmental Principles to fishery managers
- Developing and implementing Environmental Principles
- Value of Environmental Principles to the GLWQA
- Habitat restoration in the Niagara River
- Fish barrier assessments in tributaries to the St. Lawrence River
- Restoring spawning habitat in the SCRDS
- Operationalizing Environmental Principles in Ohio
- Current status of ciscoes in the Great Lakes