2015 Lake Meeting Presentation Videos
Lake Erie Committee Meeting
- Opening remarks and Standing Technical Committee overview (K. Oldenburg, OMNRF)
- A stakeholder-centered approach to resolving conflict in fisheries management: Reflections on the LEPMAG process (R. Reilly, Michigan State University)
- Report of the Walleye Task Group (R. Drouin, OMNRF)
- Towards a better understanding of the spatial and temporal structuring of Lake Erie Walleye (C. Vandergoot, ODNR)
- Impacts of greenhouse gasses, globally and on Lake Erie (B. Lofgren, NOAA)
- Report of the Yellow Perch Task Group (M. Hosack, PFBC)
- Asian Carp monitoring and risk reduction activities: LEC agency update (J. Tyson, ODNR)
- Status of coldwater fish community (Coldwater Task Group) (J. Markham, NYSDEC)
- Sea Lamprey update (T. Sullivan, USFWS)
- TAC announcement / STC overview (J. Francis, MIDNR)
- Report of the Habitat Task Group (C. Castiglione, USFWS)
- CSMI collaborations: Lake Erie 2014 (P. Collingsworth, USEPA)
- Report of the Forage Task Group (Z. Biesinger, USFWS)
- Do recent increases in cyanobacteria pose a real threat to Lake Erie.s fisheries? (S. Ludsin, OSU)
- Lake Sturgeon restoration efforts in the Lake Erie basin (J. Boase, USFWS)
- Report on Lake St. Clair (M. Thomas, MIDNR)
- St. Clair-Detroit River System Initiative: The common agenda (R. Drouin, OMNRF)
- Fish spawning and nursery habitat assessments in the St. Clair.Detroit River System (E. Roseman, USGS)
Lake Ontario Committee Meeting
- Warmwater fisheries assessments (R. Green, OMNRF and M. Yuille, OMNRF)
- Status of American Eel recovery (T. Pratt, DFO)
- St. Lawrence River fish community management perspectives (C. Lake, OMNRF)
- Status of warmwater fish stocks and fisheries (J. Lantry, NYSDEC)
- Walleye status update (J. Hoyle, OMNRF)
- Nearshore fish community management perspectives (A. Todd, OMNRF)
- Food web perspectives (L. Rudstam (Cornell University) / T. Johnson, OMNRF)
- Status of preyfish stocks (B. Weidel, USGS and J. Holden, OMNRF)
- Lake Ontario mass marking initiative (M. Connerton, NYSDEC)
- Lake Ontario angler surveys (J. Lantry, NYSDEC and M. Yuille, OMNRF)
- Chinook, Coho, Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout (J. Lantry, NYSDEC)
- Atlantic Salmon and Lake Herring restoration (C. Lake, OMNRF)
- Offshore fish community management perspectives (S. LaPan, NYSDEC)
- Lake Trout (B. Lantry, USGS)
- Sea Lamprey (K. Tallon, DFO)
- Whitefish / Round Whitefish (J. Hoyle, OMNRF)
- Benthic prey species (B. Weidel, USGS)
- Deep pelagic/offshore benthic fish community management perspectives (S. LaPan, NYSDEC)
Common Session
- Evolution of fishery management in the Great Lakes (M. Gaden, GLFC)
- Development and importance of Fish Community Objectives (M. Hansen, USGS)
- Role of technical committees in cooperative fishery management (M. Ebener, CORA)
- Why the Joint Strategic Plan works (R. Knight, ODNR . retired)
- The next 50 years: Possible futures for the lake committees (S. Hewett, WIDNR)
- Aquatic Habitat Connectivity Collaborative and Decision Support Tool (M. Holey, USFWS and A. Moody, UW-Madison)
- Upcoming coregonid symposium announcement (J. Myers, WIDNR) (pdf only)
- Basin-wide collaboration to restore Bloaters to Lake Ontario (A. Todd, OMNRF and S. LaPan, NYSDEC)
- Acoustic telemetry (C. Krueger, Michigan State University)
Lake Superior Committee Meeting
- Effectiveness of a Lake Trout refuge at Gull Island Shoal (M. Hansen, USGS)
- Depth selection of Lake Trout morphotypes
- Loss of genetic diversity and collapse of genetic distance between Lake Trout ectomorphs (S. Baillie, Dalhouise University)
- Lake Trout management in Wisconsin waters (J. Myers, WIDNR)
- Status of spawning Cisco at the Apostle Islands (J. Myers, WIDNR)
- Minnesota.s Cisco fishery: Managing for sustainability of a multi-jurisdictional commercial fishery (C. Goldsworthy, MNDNR)
- Sea Lamprey control (J. Barber, USFWS)
- Forage fish trends from USGS surveys (M. Vinson, USGS)
- Morphometric and genetic analyses of contemporary Great Lakes Cisco (D. Yule, USGS)
- Portage Creek: A partnership in Steelhead research (J. George, OMNRF- retired)
- Coaster Brook Trout rehabilitation in Canadian waters (E. Berglund, OMNRF)
- Benthic habitat mapping in U.S. National Parks of the Great Lakes (J. Glace, NPS)
Lake Huron Committee Meeting
- 2014 Lake Huron Technical Committee activities and introduction (S. Lenart, USFWS)
- Nearshore-offshore fish community trends in Ontario waters (A. Liskauskas, OMNRF)
- Status of Walleye and Yellow Perch in Saginaw Bay: Need and opportunity for management action (D. Fielder, MIDNR)
- Aquatic invasive species monitoring efforts in Lake Huron (A. Bowen, USFWS)
- Sea Lamprey control program update (L. Walter, USFWS)
- Lake Trout research at the Drummond Island telemetry array (S. Riley, USGS)
- Status of Lake Trout populations (J. He, MIDNR)
- Lake Huron genetic stock analysis projects (K. Scribner, Michigan State University)
- Status of preyfish (T. O.Brien, USGS)
- Cisco genetics (W. Stott, USGS)
- Status of Cisco in northern Lake Huron (M. Ebener, CORA)
Lake Michigan Committee Meeting
- Introduction (B. Eggold, WIDNR and B. Breidert, INDNR)
- Status of the lower trophic food web (S. Pothoven, NOAA)
- Status of forage fishes (B. Bunnell, USGS)
- Pelagic community comparison: Lake Michigan and Lake Huron 1990-2013, mid-water and acoustic surveys (D. Warner, USGS)
- Gobies . the new Alewife? (R. Claramunt, MIDNR)
- Native Planktivore Task Group (C. Bronte, USFWS)
- Yellow Perch reporting (D. Clapp, MIDNR)
- Sea Lamprey update (Scott Grunder, USFWS)
- Progress toward Lake Trout rehabilitation (C. Madenjian, USGS)
- Thiamine analysis from spawning Lake Trout (S. Riley, USGS)
- Mass marking results and data analysis (M. Kornis, USFWS)
- Salmonid Working Group update and improved predator/prey ratio (N. Legler, WIDNR)